
Kick off the new year with purpose and prayer during our Week of Prayer and Fasting! As part of this special week, we invite you to join us for PREPARE 2025, a 3-night special event on January 7-9. PREPARE 2025 will feature world-renowned guest speakers, powerful worship, and corporate prayer. There's no better way to start the year than by placing God at the center of our lives and receiving a fresh vision from Him!

Pre-Service Prayer (In-Person)
6:00PM - 6:45PM

Services (In-Person & Online)
7:00PM - 8:30PM


Samuel Rodriguez

New Season Church

Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

VOUS Church

Dharius Daniels

Change Church

How to Engage

Sample Image

I am believing God for...


The goal of fasting is not just to go without food; it is to draw nearer to God. Fasting and prayer is a way for you to celebrate the goodness of God's mercy. It is also a way to prepare your soul to expand and contain the fresh new purposes and Word God desires to bring into your life.
Fasting Guide


Our Prayer Guide is meant to equip you on how to pray during Prepare and throughout the year.
Prayer Guide


Join us nightly, January 7-9, for a time of prayer, worship, and an inspiring word.

Pre-Service Prayer: 6PM-6:45PM CST
Nightly Service: 7PM-8:30PM CST

Online Noon Prayer

Online Noon Prayer is an online-only event created for the entire Church of the King family. Join us every day at 12p CST from January 6 to 10, and take 25 minutes from wherever you are to engage in a devotional, prayer, declarations, and worship as we prepare our hearts for 2025!

You can participate online by clicking the link below starting 12p CST on January 6-10.